10 reasons to reject your life insurance claim

Before you select your insurance policy, go through these 10 situations that can put your insurance claim in jeopardy.

 life insurance claim

Life insurance is the best way to secure financial support for your loved ones in case of any unforeseen circumstances, but sometimes mistakes or ignorance on your part can lead to rejection of an insurance claim. While it's crucial that you choose an insurance plan that benefits in times of need, it is equally important that you know beforehand what instances can leave space for the rejection of insurance claim. Therefore, before you okay your insurance policy, go through these 10 situations that can put your insurance claim in jeopardy.

Death by Suicide

The rule for suicide cases depend upon the type of insurance. In case of linked plans, the nominee is entitled to receive 100% of the policy fund value even if the policyholder commits suicide even within 12 months from the commencement of the policy. However, for non-linked plans the nominee only gets 80% of the premium paid and not the full insurance cover in case of suicide within 12 months. Until 2014,  if the insurer committed suicide within one year of date of commencement of insurance plan then no settlement claim was provided.

Providing incorrect information

If you give any misleading information -- like concealing medical history -- while buying an insurance policy, it could lead to the rejection of your claim.

Smoking after buying policy

The life insurance premium is higher for smokers as compared to non-smokers. If the insured starts smoking after subscribing to an insurance policy, the policyholder needs to make the insurance company aware of it, which may lead to an increase in premium payment. If the insured person fails to report about his changed health-related habit in time and develops a life-threatening disease, the company can decline the claim payment.

Drunk driving

If the insurance company finds out the insured person was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which subsequently led to death, the company holds the right to reject the insurance claim.

Breaking a law

If the policyholder dies as a result of breaking a law or involvement in crime, the insurance company can reject the claim.

Death outside India

If the insured plans to settle abroad, it should be notified to the insurance company as a clause in the insurance policy says a policyholder must disclose his or her new resident country to claim settlement. Term insurance plans are valid even if you change your country of residence.

Terrorist attack

Terrorist attacks are not covered under term insurance plans. Such claims may be settled on the humanitarian ground later when the nominee contacts the IRDA, but most insurance companies don't provide cover against such incidents.

Natural calamities

Deaths due to natural calamities like earthquake, flood or tsunami are not covered under basic insurance plans. However, you can choose add-on plans to cover such natural calamities.

Adventure sports

Death resulting from participation in adventurous sports like bungee jumping, skydiving or other outdoor sports like power-boat racing, timed motor-sport, etc, are also not covered. Death during participation in car racing or bike racing would also lead to zero payouts.


In case of a murder, if the insurance company finds out that the nominee is the accused, the insurance claim would be rejected or withheld until the charges are dropped or the nominee is acquitted.a

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